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Monday, October 14, 2024

1984, George Orwell


#1984 #ORWELL #GeorgeOrwell

Let's talk food, diet, and nutrition...and workouts



Let's talk food, diet, and nutrition...and workouts

I am no dietitian, a nutritionist, a doctor, or a nurse. I do however know how to read, do math, and I have trained some of the occupations mentioned earlier, including doctors and nurses.

Let's start with a favorite,  McDonald's Fries. Time and time again they have been the favorite. My favorite are the ones from In-N-Out. I watched them cut them up and put them in the fryer on the spot. You'll never see a potato cut up at McDonald's.

So this how they make the fries. At the McDonald's FOOD FACTORY they cut the potatoes into a fry 'shape' ... Stay with me. Then they FREEZE DRY those 'fries'. That removes the water. That process is repeated. After that you have fries that have the potato DNA without the water. It's basically a stick of cardboard. Then they dip those fries in their special grease. And like cardboard in water, those fries some it up. Then they're placed into the freezer and then shipped. When you order fries, those grease soaked frozen items are dipped back into the same grease and refried. You aren't tasting a potato, you are tasting a grease flavored textured French Fry. That is why when you reheat them they taste like a stick of grease. However,  they taste GOOD!

McDonald's Fries are just one example of foods that ADDICT you. In a nut shell, any food that you eat out of a box or can is either processed, has a lot of sodium to sustain it in that box or can, and will probably have a high amount of cholesterol, saturated fats, and other things you don't need. Some of the chemicals in our foods are banned in other countries.

There is so much processing in today's food that it affects pancreatic activity, lowers the age of puberty, and lowers the fertility rate. 'Lunchables' and other foods are allowed to have a 'minimal' amount of LEAD in their food.

Everyone wants to know "How much should I eat?" There is a thing called 'Resting Metabolic Rate or 'RMR'. It is the amount of calories your body burns at rest in a day. A quick explanation is your body weight is 10% of your RMR. A longer explanation can be read HERE:

In order to achieve your goal weight (whether you want to gain or lose or maintain) you must first and foremost consume the optimal amount of calories as well as stay active. For weight loss purposes this does not necessarily mean dieting or starving yourself; it means that you consume the exact number of calories so that the body's metabolism does not slow down and no loss of muscle tissue-which in turn contributes to low metabolism.

In order to find out what your optimal calorie intake is you must first know what your Resting Metobolic Rate (RMR) is. Resting Metobolic Rate (RMR) is the number of calories the body burns a day AT REST. Simply put, combined with your activity level, eat more than your RMR you gain, eat less than your RMR you lose, and eat the amount of calories equal to your RMR and you remain at your current weight. Normally you must see your Doctor, a Nutritionist, or go to a gym and pay $50 or more to have this test done.  We here at Mason Media have posted a formula below that will calculate your RMR for you for FREE.  Why is knowing your RMR important? You can go on any diet you want but if you consume too many calories you definitely will not achieve your goal weight. If you eat too little the body may go into starvation mode and retain calories. I will try to simplify this process for you. From my experience as a Trainer I noticed a 'correlation' when using the apparatus at the gym as well as using a slide rule provided by a 'slide rule' type apparatus that was supplied to me by a supplement company I also represented. The 'correlation' was that on almost every client the body weight was 10% of RMR. So if you weigh 150, your RMR will be approximately 1,500 calories/day. To lose weight, eat 1,350 calories/day spread over 5 meals and snacks/day, and exercise. To gain weight start with eating 1,650 calories/day; and exercise with muscle resistance and cardio whether your goal is to lose weight or gain weight to support metabolism. That was simple math. Below is the real math. Good Luck!

Men: 88.362 + (13.397 × weight in kg) + (4.799 × height in cm) - (5.677 × age in years)

Women: 447.593 + (9.247 × weight in kg) + (3.098 × height in cm) - (4.330 × age in years)

Then there is understanding Metabolism.

To lose weight while maintaining a healthy metabolism, focus on:

-Loss of body fat
-Losing inches instead of weight
-Eating five to seven meals a day

-Eat an hour to an hour and a half before you work out to fuel your muscles and prevent muscle loss

-Strength training to maintain or add muscle along with cardiovascular exercise (Too much cardio can be counterproductive.  Do no more than 45 minutes/5-6 days a week.)

-Take proper supplements when necessary
-Most of all, it is important not to be hard on yourself.  Create a plan that you will stick with for the rest of your life.  Allow yourself one cheat day (Unless that day last longer than a day-if that is the case act like an alcoholic-STICK WITH THE PROGRAM 24/7.) a week so you do not feel completely deprived of your favorite foods.


#metabolism #losefat #weightloss

This is where the problem arises. People are being sold nutrition plans and foods and don't know how many calories they should be eating. Also, the food labels on all foods are very misleading. They give you the serving size, serving per package, and they give you the amout of grams and the daily percentage  of those individual servings. Then in the  SMALL PRINT at the bottom they tell you it's based on a '2,000' calorie diet. If you weigh 150lbs you don't need to base what you eat on a 2,000 calorie diet. You basically have to be good at math to figure it out unless you follow the 10% rule mentioned earlier.

Once you figure out your RMR, now what?

Let's again use 150lbs as your current body weight. If you want to lose weight, be active 3 to 4 days a week (Weights and Cardio - Including Women - I'll explain). If you weigh 150lbs and you want to lose weight start with 1,350 calories a day. You do NOT want to go on a starvation diet. Your body is smarter than you. If you drop your calorie intake too much too fast your body will withhold calorie. With that being said, if you want to gain weight while weighing 150lbs try eating 1,650 calories WHILE WORKING OUT.

So, you're wondering "What should I eat?" You want to feed yourself PROTIENS, FATS, AND CARBS. Many diet plans tell you to avoid carbs and fats. That is bad advice. Here is why. Fats are the low level energy that fuel the nervous system. It is what makes you THINK, and you brain to be on point. FATS are the low level energy that make your clock in the car keep time when it's not running. They also, say avoid CARBS. That too is bad advice. CARBS give you the spark you need. It's just that, CARBS act as a spark plug when you need to get going. That is why we have donuts, cereal, and bagels in the morning. However, if you don't be active CARBS will turn to fat.

Let's talk about PROTIEN. Protein, Is The Building Block For Muscles.

Protein: The Building Block for Muscles

Protein is a vital macronutrient that plays a key role in building, maintaining, and repairing muscles. It's made up of amino acids, which are often referred to as the "building blocks" of the body. Without adequate protein intake, the body cannot effectively grow or maintain muscle mass.

Here's why protein is so essential for muscles:

1. Muscle Growth: During resistance training or physical activity, muscles undergo small tears. Protein helps repair these tears, making the muscles stronger and larger over time, a process known as muscle hypertrophy.
2. Muscle Maintenance: Even when not actively trying to gain muscle, the body needs protein to maintain muscle mass, especially as we age. Without enough protein, the body may break down muscle tissue for energy.

3. Recovery: After exercise, protein helps accelerate recovery by repairing damaged tissues and reducing muscle soreness.

4. Amino Acids: There are 20 different amino acids, nine of which are essential, meaning the body cannot produce them on its own. A balanced intake of these essential amino acids, found in foods like meat, fish, eggs, dairy, beans, and nuts, is crucial for muscle health.

To optimize muscle building and recovery, experts recommend consuming a balanced amount of protein throughout the day, especially after workouts, to fuel muscle repair and growth.

What Do Carbohydrates (CARBS) Do For The Body?

Carbohydrates are a primary source of energy for the body. When you consume carbohydrates, they are broken down into glucose (sugar), which your body uses for immediate energy. Here are the main roles carbohydrates play:

1. Energy Production: Carbohydrates are the body's preferred energy source. They provide fuel for the brain, muscles, and other vital organs. Simple carbs give quick energy, while complex carbs provide a more sustained energy release.

2. Storage of Energy: Excess glucose from carbs is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. This stored energy can be used later, especially during physical activity or between meals.

3. Preserve Muscle Mass: When enough carbohydrates are available, the body is less likely to break down proteins for energy, preserving muscle tissue.

4. Support Digestive Health: Fiber, a type of carbohydrate, aids in digestion, prevents constipation, and helps maintain gut health.

5. Regulate Blood Sugar: Certain complex carbohydrates help stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing spikes and crashes.

Overall, carbohydrates are essential for maintaining energy levels, brain function, and overall health.

Why Does The Body Need To Consume Fats and What Are The Benefits?

Fats are essential to the body for several important functions and offer numerous benefits. Here's why the body needs to consume fats:

1. Energy Source
   Fats are a concentrated source of energy, providing 9 calories per gram, which is more than double the energy supplied by carbohydrates and proteins (4 calories per gram). This makes fats particularly important for sustaining prolonged physical activity and maintaining energy balance.

2. Cell Structure
   Fats are a key component of cell membranes. They help maintain the integrity and fluidity of the cell membrane, which is essential for proper cell function. Phospholipids, which contain fatty acids, form the lipid bilayer that makes up the cell membrane.

3. Absorption of Fat-Soluble Vitamins
   Certain vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are fat-soluble, meaning they can only be absorbed by the body when consumed with fats. Without sufficient fat intake, the body would have difficulty absorbing these essential nutrients, leading to deficiencies.

4. Hormone Production
   Fats are involved in the production of hormones, including sex hormones (like estrogen and testosterone) and cortisol. Cholesterol, a type of fat, is essential for synthesizing these hormones.

5. Brain Health
   Fats, particularly omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, play a crucial role in brain function. The brain is about 60% fat, and these essential fatty acids contribute to cognitive function, mood regulation, and overall brain health.

6. Protection and Insulation
   Fats provide a layer of protection around vital organs, such as the heart and kidneys, cushioning them against physical impact. They also act as an insulator, helping to maintain body temperature by trapping heat.

7. Satiety and Taste
   Dietary fats slow down digestion, which helps you feel fuller for longer. Fats also enhance the flavor of food, making meals more satisfying and enjoyable.

8. Supports Skin Health
   Fats, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, help maintain healthy skin by supporting the skin’s barrier function. They keep the skin hydrated, reduce inflammation, and can protect against conditions like eczema.

Types of Fats and Their Benefits:
   - Unsaturated fats (found in nuts, seeds, avocados, and fish) are considered "healthy fats" and help reduce bad cholesterol levels, support heart health, and reduce inflammation.
   - Saturated fats (found in animal products and certain oils) should be consumed in moderation, as excessive intake may raise cholesterol levels.
   - Trans fats (found in some processed foods) should be avoided as they can increase the risk of heart disease.

In summary, fats are critical for energy, nutrient absorption, cell health, hormone production, brain function, and overall well-being. The key is to consume the right types of fats in appropriate amounts.


#bmi #bodymassindex #weightloss #loseweight


The body is complex, but yet simple. If you PUSH it works the triceps, chest, front of the shoulders and forearms. When you PULL it works the biceps, back, and the back of the shoulder. When you SQUAT or LEGPRESS you work the legs, hips/glutes, hamstrings and quads, as well as the calfskin. Add in Ab exercises and you have worked the entire body. Do NOT over think it. Four (4) areas ... Legs, Back, Chest, Abs ... those are the major muscle groups. Keep it SIMPLE, GOOD LUCK, and STAY UP!!!

#fitness #health #workouts #workout

Sovereign Citizens Movement

 Research and Opinion

Sovereign Citizens Movement


Man Accused Of Potential Third Trump Assassination Attempt Speaks Out

#AssassinationAttempt #Assassination 





If you are a FREQUENT FLYER, you know, a BALLA, there probably won't be an Air Marshall on the plane. They're busy at the border making sandwiches for ILLEGALS. They are also tracking J6 suspects. This is how that works. If you just flew into D.C. on J6, didn't go to the capital, in D.C. for whatever reason you are being followed. It's called the QUIET SKIES PROGRAM or something like guy went to D.C. that day for a funeral. Yeah, They're tracking him too.

This is in addition to the citizens that have been in solitary confinement since. Also, They're lying to you about the J6 deaths. Only 1 person died on that day. It was a female 14 year Air Force Veteran. Her name was Ashli Babbit. She was 5'2, and barely 115lbs. She was in the capital, and told the Cops to "Do your f***ing job!" She then punched a rioter in the face, [SHE GAVE HIM A LEFT CROSS AND KNOCKED HIS GLASSES OFF] she tried to escape and a Capital Police officer shot her basically point blank in the neck. She was trying to squeeze through a small hole in a window that a rioter created when she was shot. The Internet has been scrubbed of the video. Probably because she was white and the cop that shot her was black. [I THEY WANNA MAKE IT ABOUT RACE, FINE, I'LL PLAY]

Another thing, the Whitehouse will tell you 5 [FIVE] people died on J6. That is BS. Ashli was the ONLY PERSON THAT DIED. Officer Sicknick died from a series of strokes DAYS later.

"Medical Examiner Finds USCP Officer Brian Sicknick Died of Natural Causes"

4 [Four] Capital Police Offficers have committed suicide since then. That is how the Whitehouse tells you 5 people died. They count the 5 cops that died days, months, and years after Ashli Babbit died on j6. 

"Four officers who responded to U.S. Capitol attack have died by suicide"

They even denied her VA Benefits. They put Sicknicks ashes in the Capital Rotunda!

All of this can be fact checked and verified.


Some of you voted for Biden. Some of those people will vote for Harris. Why do you vote for LIARS RACISTS, and PEOPLE WHO HATE THE COUNTRY?!?! What is your problem? You're not gonna find a better country. If there was a better country then why are they coming here from 170 Countries? BE WE ARE THE BEST COUNTRY!!!



DON'T LET THE USA BECOME CALIFORNIA and MINNESOTA. Minnesota was the only state Reagan lost. What's that tell ya...

RIP Ashli!!!

#airmarshals #January6th #J6 #ashlibabbit

Superfoods for a Superior Thyroid


Superfoods for a Superior Thyroid 

An estimated 27 million Americans have thyroid disease, and more than half are undiagnosed. Frequently misunderstood, and too often overlooked and misdiagnosed, thyroid disease affects almost every aspect of health. Taking care of it with good nutrition is a smart step in the right direction. Here are some superfoods that research has shown can nurture a healthy thyroid, as well as some ones to avoid. 

Coconut and coconut butter, or more commonly known as coconut oil, has been used as a food and medicine since the dawn of history. Unlike saturated animal fats found in meats and dairy products, coconut butter is a raw saturated fat containing fatty acids which the body can metabolize efficiently and convert to energy quickly. Research also shows it helps to regulate thyroid function. 

Kelp is a stellar, nutrient-dense sea vegetable. It is also known as Laminaria and contains a natural substance that enhances flavor and tenderizes. Kelp works as a blood purifier, and promotes adrenal, pituitary and thyroid health. Its natural iodine may help normalize thyroid-related disorders, like overweight, and lymph system congestion. 

Turkey is one of the leanest protein foods and is low in calories, making it an excellent healthy food choice. Turkey also contains selenium which has been shown to inhibit cancer development, improve the immune system, and aid in the metabolism of our thyroid hormone.

Thyroid patients should avoid the consumption of goitrogens, substances that suppress the function of the thyroid gland, and which can also cause an enlargement of the thyroid. Goitrogens are in foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, mustard, kale, turnips, and canola oil. Soy and peanuts also include goitrogens and should be avoided. 

Both copper and iron are so important for thyroid function, so thyroid patients should take time to make sure they’re getting enough in their diets. Foods such as organ meats, oysters, clams, crabs, cashews, sunflower seeds, wheat bran cereals, whole-grain products, and cocoa products are all rich in copper. Foods like leafy green vegetables, beans, shellfish, red meat, and poultry are high in iron. Complement your iron intake with adequate amounts of vitamin C from foods such as citrus fruits, red berries, tomatoes, potatoes, and bell peppers to help maximize your body’s iron absorption efficiency. 

#diet #food #thyroid


Patriot Mobile

 Service As Low As $25/Mth

Millions of Christians are not planning to vote in the U.S. elections; whom will that impact more, Harris or Trump?


Millions of Christians are not planning to vote in the U.S. elections; whom will that impact more, Harris or Trump?

Travel Tips to European Countries: Ireland


Travel Tips to European Countries: Ireland

About The Country

The summers are warm and the winters are moderate with some snow. May and June are the sunniest months. Weather changes quite frequently from cloudy to sunny and vice versa. If planning the visit during the summer, lightweight woolen or cotton clothes are recommended and jacket for spring and autumn. Always carry raincoat for that untimely showers. Incase of emergency call 999 or 112.


Most of the locals prefer speaking English here. Handshaking is customary. Irish are social people and are good at having a lively chat even with strangers. People live in great harmony and make great friends. Foreigners are welcomed with warmth and are made to feel at home. Guests are never sent back empty stomach as food is always served at any time of the day, to the guest. Most of the locals come from an agricultural background. Dinner is considered to be a meal of importance as it is the time when the whole family gets together and eat. One can dress casually when out on the streets except women are expected to dress formally at social gatherings and at fine restaurants. Smoking is banned in public places.  


Many towns organize flee markets at least once a week, which is worth checking out for cheap goods. Belfast is the shopping capital of Ireland; most of the stores open up early and close early too. On Thursdays, shops remain open till 8 in the night.  Value Added Tax of almost 17% is charged, which can be reclaimed later. So if the visitors buy anything from the stores remember to check if the store operates the Retail Export Scheme, which would require the passport and filling of the Tax Free Shopping Form by the sales person. If the restaurant bill doesn't includes any tax, leave behind a 10% tip to appreciate their service. Giving a tip to the porters and hair dressers is customary here.


The voltage in Northern Ireland is 240V, 50AC.

Getting There

The national airline that operates here is Aer Lingus, which provides service from most of the major cities of the world. Airlines like Delta Air Lines and many other have been introduced and to promote them, promotional air fares are being offered. Checking out such offers will prove to be money savers. There are many flights from UK to Ireland. The Dublin airport is located at 10 km away from the city. Services like taxis, air coach, buses transport passengers to their destination. Airport has duty free shops, bank, currency exchange, car hire, tourism information, and restaurants for a comfortable journey. Shannon Airport is situated to the north of Limerick City and is 24 km and 25 minutes away from it. Buses, coaches and taxis are available for transportation. Other services that are provided are duty free shops, currency exchange, bank, tourism information and restaurants. While planning to travel, check out other airports like Cork Airport and Knock Information Airport for more options. A departure tax of 10 is to be paid by people over 12 years of age at the Knock International Airport.

To take ferries check out the Baltimore, Galway, Dublin, Wexford and Kinsale ports. Most of the ferries offer high-speed services. Time to time special offers are being announced which can be availed to save money. Check out the websites as some of them offer online booking facility.

Duty Free Items

1. 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco

2. 1l of spirits and distilled beverages (more than 22 per cent) or 2l of other alcoholic beverages with an alcoholic strength not exceeding 22 per cent, including sparkling or fortified wine, plus 2l of table wine

3. 50g of perfume and 250ml of eau de toilette

The carrier should be above 17 years of age. Sharp objects, explosives, firearms, food or agricultural items and hay or straw should be brought along as they are strictly prohibited.

#Europe #travel #vacation #Ireland

Former Colorado county clerk Tina Peters sentenced to 9 years for voting data scheme



Former Colorado county clerk Tina Peters sentenced to 9 years for voting data scheme

Internet and Politics


Internet and Politics

In the past, political figures relied upon the news in the form of television stations and even newspapers to release information to the public, i.e. direct to the electorate. Now with the invention of the internet, more political figures are releasing their own information. How does this affect the release of information? Does this add to the impact of law and government on society, or is this merely a direct root to brainwashing the public. Furthermore, is it good to use political figures time releasing information when they should be enacting change? In this article we will look at the relationship between the internet and politics, and whether the move towards more accessibility and greater personal accounting is beneficial to democracy and government.

The correct answers are never easy to find, however with some work, analysis and thought it is possible to come up with the right answer. The right answer is there is no answer - isn’t that horrific. Each politician has different means of how comfortable they are on the internet. Using the internet has allowed some to maintain a closer proximity to the people they represent, while others have used it as a means to avoid personal contact with the people. Either way, the Internet is obviously a powerful campaigning tool, and most politicians seemed to have realized and utilized this within their own campaigns.  

Many politicians are taking the internet and using it as a means of keeping a continuous stream of contact with the media, the people they represent, and everyone else. The internet has allowed the political figures who use it the ability to quickly communicate with everyone whenever important information is available. This makes them more accessible to the ordinary man in the street, which has never been possible through any other medium in the past.

Using the internet to communicate directly with people has improved the accuracy of the information that comes down in the political reigns. Being assured of accurate information is why many prefer to receive the information directly from the lawmakers whom they elected. Many times, it is possible to find the information in more detail online, and with less hassle and false facts.  

Couple the increased communication with the fact that each day, millions log onto the internet and it makes it the perfect place for candidates to hone their campaign skills to help increase their visual image in the public eye. Most voters want a political figure they can find easily so they are able to do research to find the candidate that they truly believe in without spending hours doing research. Furthermore, the internet allows politicians to point their campaigns directly at a completely new demographic that had never before been tapped into. This is unleashing a whole new generation of voters eager to make the difference, which is working wonders for the politicians involved, and of course their savvy communications managers.

Many voters have embraced the idea of being able to show support for their political parties from the comforts of their home over the internet. Politicians are also enjoying the ability to quickly communicate and using various social websites as well as the websites for their offices to keep a good flow of communication open with voters. With everything compiled it is a wonderful age, where the internet is able to bring politicians and voters much closer together, while still allowing the politicians to be in Washington, or where their office is performing their job. 

With the ease of the internet, politicians are able to communicate with the public from anywhere, giving them more time to communicate greater amounts of information to the public, as well as be able to gather feedback from the public in regards to the wishes of the majority. Overall, it is a wonderful time and a wonderful addition to the political world since the invent of the internet. 

#internet #politics #policy

Wine Collecting For Beginners


Wine Collecting For Beginners

Collecting wine can be a very fun and exciting hobby - especially when you try to find the wine.  If you are looking to collect wine, you may end up spending a bit more money than you thought.  Wine collecting is a great hobby, although it can be very expensive.  If you are just starting out, the tips below may come in very handy to help you get started.

The first thing to do, is find a place to store your wine.  You can store your wine at home, although you'll need to have a location with the proper amount of space and cooling temperature (between 50 and 65 degrees F).  You'll also need to determine what brands and types of wine you are planning to collect.  There are several options to choose from, including red and white wine.  You'll also need to find some places with good quality and refinery to buy your wine from.

You can always participate in tastings and trade shows as well.  Here, you can meet other people who are into wine collecting, and get to know local traders.  You should also strive to learn as much as you can about wine.  You can learn a lot about wine on the Internet, or by reading magazines and newsletters dedicated to wine.  By doing so, you can also learn more about storage, buying wine, and even cooling your wine.

To better prepare your wine for storage, you can try tasting different varieties.  This way, you can identify which wines you need to age more.  You'll learn more about wine this way as well, such as how to distinguish tastes.  You may also want to learn how to identify the flavor quality as well.  As you may already know, there is a difference among rare vintage wines and wines that are instantly processed.

If you are just beginning to collect wine, you should avoid purchasing in bulk until you know for sure what types of wine you wish to collect.  When you visit a wine trader, you should let him know that you are a collector.  This way, he can inform you whether or not the wines you are collecting are available in his inventory. If you hope to collect wines from other areas, he may be able to give you contact information for finding the wines you are interested in.

Keep in mind that wine collecting isn't all about fun - it's also a great way to eventually start your own business.  You can attend wine shows and tasting events to learn more about the different brands, and also find wines that will bring in higher profits.  Once you have collected some rare bottles of wine - you can start selling and watch your profits soar.

#wine #winecollecting #winecollection 



#COCKTAILS #drinks #alcohol #party #holidayparties 


Your Thanksgiving Party: Day of Preparations


Your Thanksgiving Party:  Day of Preparations

Are you in the mist of planning a Thanksgiving party?  When it comes to Thanksgiving parties, a large amount of focus is placed on the planning and the preparation. While it is always advised that you plan and prepare for your party in advance, there are some things that just cannot be done until the last minute or, at least, the day of your party.  That is why it may be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the last minute party preparations that you will have to make.  

Depending on the size of your Thanksgiving party, you may need to make additional accommodations for your guests.  These accommodations may likely include seating arrangements.  If you need to set up additional tables and chairs, it may be a good idea to save that task until the day of your Thanksgiving party. This will prevent your home from being cluttered with additional tables and chairs; tables and chairs that may very well be in your way.  

Since a Thanksgiving party is not complete without Thanksgiving decorations, there is a good chance that you will be decorating your home.  If you do choose to decorate your home, for your Thanksgiving party, you may want to leave the decorations until the last minute.  Of course, you can always put your decorations up early, if you want to, but there are a number of benefits to leaving them down until the day of your party. Those benefits include the lack of dust that will accumulate on those decorations and the less likelihood of them getting damaged before your party even begins.

If you decided to incorporate a Thanksgiving dinner into your Thanksgiving party, you may have prepared some of your foods and side dishes early. While you can prepare a number of dished in advance, there are some that need to be made at the last minute. Whether you are cooking a turkey or preparing a fresh salad, you may need to do your cooking on the day of, likely the morning of, your party.  Even if you are just serving snacks and drinks at your party, you will want to wait until that day to start setting them out.

Another task that you may want to leave until the day of your party is the cleaning of your home. While you can also start to prepare your home a few days before your party is set to take place, there are some cleaning tasks that you may want to leave until the last few hours. These tasks may include a quick dusting, as well as a quick vacuum.  Waiting until the day of your Thanksgiving party to sweep or vacuum your home will help to ensure that your home is as clean as it could possibly be.  

In addition to the above mentioned tasks, you will likely find that there are number of other tasks that you may like to complete on the day of your Thanksgiving party. If you are currently in the planning stages, it may be a good idea to develop a party checklist or a party planning schedule.  This may make it easier to decide what you should and shouldn't save until the day of your Thanksgiving party.  In addition to giving you a set schedule to follow, you will also likely find that planning your party ahead of time, even at the last minute, will make it easier for you to enjoy yourself, even before your Thanksgiving party begins.

#Thanksgiving #Holiday 

#cookies #deserts


#COCKTAILS #drinks #alcohol #party #holidayparties 


Obama Talks To 'BROTHAS'


Obama Talks To 'BROTHAS'

I posted this once, but I Obama Tslks To 'BROTHAS' to mention this again since Obama is back [telling the BROTHAS to vote for Harris].

[Divisive Speech Is What Democrats Do and Blame the Conservatives of Divisive Speech]

The Democrats call the US 'systemic racist'.. The following positions were all held by Black people - some at the same time:

President - Barack Obama 

Attorney General - Eric Holder

#1 TV Talk Show - Oprah Winfrey 

Host of The 20K Pyramid - Michael Strahan

Host of The Family Feud - Steve Harvey

#1 Male Golfer - Tiger Woods

#1 Female Tennis  Player - Serena Williams

#1 Pop Star - Michael Jackson

...Were all Black. No other country in the world can produce that lineup. We all have issues. However, if you took the Black wealth in America it would be the 8th largest economy on Earth. Not bad for a 'systemic racist' country.

I voted for Obama twice. Then I voted for Trump twice. The left can't figure out that line of thought. For me it was simple. Race relations went downhill, welfare went up. The only thing the Black community got from Obama was free phones, more welfare, and pitty party speeches.  He gave a pallet of cash to Iran in the middle of the night. The Government grew exponentially under Obama. That is why Virginia saw major construction  in housing during Obama's Administration. In other words, bigger Government. And the main reason, he entered office fighting in two countries (Iraq and Afghanistan).  He left office fighting in seven countries (Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia) via troops and drone strikes. 80% of the kills were innocent civilians, i.e. Women, Children, and Goat Herders. The details are explained in 'Intercept Magazine' titled 'The Drone Papera'.

Obama is worth almost a billion dollars today and has never had a job in his life in the private sector or the military and tell you to not trust the rich. Now he is back on the scene telling the BROTHAS to support Harris. "Why do you think we didn't vote for Hillary? Because we didn't want HIS policies anymore."

The LEFT still can't figure it out.

A Harris/Walz Administration friendly to China and Iran and negative to our only Ally in the Middle East is the wrong direction.

Democrats walk through Crap, then when they enter the room they tell everyone it's their shoes that stink.

Those last two years of Obama were two years of disaster for the country, and because they didn't get 2016 they went WOKE and divided the country and through NORMAL out the window and put the pedal to the metal on CRAZY.

#Obama #Brothas #Democrats #Politics 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

To lose weight while maintaining a healthy metabolism, focus on:

To lose weight while maintaining a healthy metabolism, focus on:

-Loss of body fat
-Losing inches instead of weight
-Eating five to seven meals a day

-Eat an hour to an hour and a half before you work out to fuel your muscles and prevent muscle loss

-Strength training to maintain or add muscle along with cardiovascular exercise (Too much cardio can be counterproductive.  Do no more than 45 minutes/5-6 days a week.)

-Take proper supplements when necessary
Most of all, it is important not to be hard on yourself.  Create a plan that you will stick with for the rest of your life.  Allow yourself one cheat day (Unless that day last longer than a day-if that is the case act like an alcoholic-STICK WITH THE PROGRAM 24/7.) a week so you do not feel completely deprived of your favorite foods.


#metabolism #losefat #weightloss

Protein Power - What Amount Is Ideal In Order To Maximise Muscle Gains?



Protein Power - What Amount Is Ideal In Order To Maximise Muscle Gains?

How much protein do I need each day to see results? How much protein is too much? And how many grams of protein can my body assimilate in each meal?

"The only way you're going to build muscle is by eating enough complete protein every day. Just getting calories isn't enough. If you don't eat a high-protein meal within 60-90 minutes after training, you're in essence wasting that time you spent taxing your muscles in the gym. Personally, I try to get at least 350-400 grams of protein per day in the off-season, at bodyweight of around 235 pounds." - Jason Arntz, IFBB pro bodybuilder.

"One must stay with a high-protein, moderate-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. A good rule of thumb would be to get around 50% of your calories from protein, 40% from carbohydrate and 10% from fat. This will allow you to gain quality muscle while staying fairly lean." - Chad Nicholls, a Professional Sports Nutritionist.

This is just a template; everyone's genetic make-up and metabolism is different. You have to tailor these percentages to fit your specific needs. For example, if you put on fat easily, you may have to lower the carbohydrate intake; if you stay very lean, you may have to raise carbohydrate intake.

"The guidelines we generally use are 0.67-1 gram of protein per pound of body-weight per day. That amount doesn't guarantee results; it guarantees that you're meeting your protein requirement. The results are based on your genetics and your training programme." - Kritin Reimers, Ph.D., R.D., is director of nutrition and health at Conagra Brands.

More than just how much protein, an important consideration is the quality of the protein in your foods. The higher-quality protein is found in animal sources like eggs, beef and milk. That recommendation above assumes two-thirds is from a high-quality protein. If you get a lot of your protein from breads and pastas, you'll probably require more than 1 gram per pound each day.

To answer the second question, some believe that high-protein intake stresses the kidneys, makes the body lose calcium and dehydrates you. Let's address each of those concerns. Frist, the kidney stress applies to people who have a history of kidney disease; for healthy people, it likely isn't a problem. Second, increased protein intake does increase calcium excretion in urine, but the body adapts by increasing its absorption of calcium in your food. Third, there's some obligatory urine loss, but most healthy athletes are going to drink enough fluids.

Keep in mind that focusing solely on one nutrient in a diet isn't healthy. If you're on an almost all-protein diet, you can bet you're missing out on key nutrients. If you keep a balance between carbs, protein and fat, and don't overeat as far as total calories go, your protein intake won't be excessive.

To address the third question, I don't buy the notion that your body can assimilate only so many protein grams per meal, whether it be 30 or whatever. That notion assumes it doesn't matter if I weigh 300 pounds or 120 pounds, and it doesn't matter if I just got up from watching TV. There's no sacrifice basis for those limits.

What happens is this: your body has a pool of aminos it continually replenishes; as the proteins you take in are broken down, some will go to that pool while others may be used for energy. If you're getting enough protein, the body will assimilate what it can and burn the rest for energy or store it as fat. Of course, not consuming all your protein in one shot makes sense; instead, split it up into 3-4 meals per day. This should happen normally unless you're taking extreme measures not to do so.

There are millions hits on the internet search drive for Wellness - from mental to physical health, cardiac fitness, cancer, yoga, how to overcome certain ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, stoke, and tips on weight loss and how to grow taller, with many other ideas getting honorable mention. It takes quite a bit of research to find any one site that has so much to offer on all these fronts, let alone one that can combine all the needs for your innermost wellness - joy, bliss and beyond. For wellness' sake you can stop looking out there, and take some time for yourself, a sort of one-stop-shop: Balanced Lifestyle Wikipedia.

Also, stay informed about genuine reviews of the trendy products like Lean Belly Breakthrough, Grow Taller 4 Idiots, bioptimizers masszymes and many more to nourish and transform your everyday self.

Article Source:

#protein #fitness #health

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Kamala Harris Stages A Hurricane Photo Op

Kamala Harris Stages A Hurricane Photo OP

 If they say this is 'BUNK', I heard the interview with the Whistleblower. He was told this by an O-6 (Full Bird Colonel for you CIVILIAN TYPES).

If you HAVE to defend it, someone is LYING.

C-17 loaded with hurricane relief supplies just for Kamala Harris photo op: Report

"National Guard comes to Kamala Harris' defense in Hurricane Helene 'stunt' row"

#kamalaharris #HURRICANE #KAMALA #Helene  #Milton

Friday, October 11, 2024

Chickens Don't Have Nuggets! Where Do Nuggets Come From?


What Are Chicken Nuggets Made Of?

#food #chicken #chickens #nuggets #chickennuggets

Ingredients and Cooking Instructions For Chicken Parmesan

Ingredients for chicken parmesan typically include:

  1. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  2. All-purpose flour
  3. Eggs, beaten
  4. Italian-seasoned breadcrumbs
  5. Olive oil or vegetable oil for frying
  6. Salt
  7. Pepper
  8. Tomato sauce
  9. Mozzarella cheese, shredded
  10. Parmesan cheese, grated
  11. Fresh basil leaves for garnish (optional).

Instructions for making chicken parmesan:

  1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. In a shallow dish, mix together all-purpose flour, salt, and pepper.
  3. In another shallow dish, beat eggs.
  4. In a third shallow dish, place breadcrumbs.
  5. Dredge each chicken breast in the flour mixture, shaking off excess. Dip in beaten eggs, then in breadcrumbs, making sure each breast is evenly coated.
  6. In a large skillet, heat olive oil or vegetable oil over medium heat.
  7. Fry chicken breasts until they are golden brown and crispy on both sides, about 4-5 minutes per side.
  8. Transfer chicken breasts to a baking dish.
  9. Spoon tomato sauce over each chicken breast, then sprinkle with shredded mozzarella cheese and grated parmesan cheese.
  10. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  11. Serve hot, garnished with fresh basil leaves (if desired).


Ingredients for chicken curry typically include:

  1. Chicken, cut into small pieces
  2. Onion, diced
  3. Garlic, minced
  4. Ginger, minced
  5. Tomatoes, chopped
  6. Curry powder or curry paste
  7. Coconut milk or heavy cream
  8. Vegetables (such as carrots, potatoes, bell peppers)
  9. Oil or ghee
  10. Salt
  11. Coriander leaves for garnish (optional).

Instructions for making chicken curry:

  1. In a large pan, heat oil or ghee over medium heat.
  2. Add diced onion, minced garlic, and minced ginger and cook until fragrant and tender, about 5 minutes.
  3. Stir in curry powder or paste and cook for another 2 minutes.
  4. Add chopped tomatoes and cook until they break down, about 5 minutes.
  5. Add chicken pieces and any desired vegetables to the pan and stir to combine with the sauce.
  6. Pour in coconut milk or heavy cream and bring the mixture to a simmer.
  7. Reduce heat to low, cover the pan, and let cook for 20-25 minutes, or until the chicken is fully cooked.
  8. Season with salt to taste.
  9. Serve hot, garnished with fresh coriander leaves (if desired).


Ingredients for roasted chicken typically include:

  1. Whole chicken
  2. Salt
  3. Pepper
  4. Olive oil or melted butter
  5. Optional: herbs (such as rosemary, thyme, or garlic), lemon, onion, or other seasonings of your choice.

Instructions for roasting a whole chicken:
  1. Preheat oven to 425°F (220°C).
  2. Rinse the chicken and pat it dry with paper towels.
  3. Season the inside of the chicken with salt and pepper.
  4. Place the chicken in a roasting pan, breast-side up.
  5. Brush the skin with olive oil or melted butter and season with salt, pepper, and any additional herbs or seasonings.
  6. Roast the chicken for 15 minutes at 425°F (220°C) then reduce the heat to 375°F (190°C) and continue roasting for an additional hour or until the internal temperature of the thickest part of the chicken (the thigh) reaches 165°F (74°C).
  7. Remove from the oven and let the chicken rest for 10 minutes before carving and serving.


Solaire Infrared Grills are a brand of outdoor grills that use infrared technology to cook food. Infrared grilling uses a high-temperature ceramic burner that emits infrared energy to cook the food directly, rather than heating the air around it like traditional grilling. This results in faster and more efficient cooking, as well as a juicier and more flavorful end product.

Solaire Infrared Grills are known for their high-quality construction and performance. They are made with marine-grade stainless steel, which is durable and resistant to rust and corrosion. They also feature powerful burners that can reach temperatures of up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit in just a few minutes, making them ideal for searing and grilling a wide range of foods.

In addition to their performance, Solaire Infrared Grills are also praised for their ease of use and maintenance. They have a simple design with minimal parts, making them easy to assemble and clean. They also come with a range of accessories, such as griddles and rotisserie kits, to enhance the grilling experience.

Overall, Solaire Infrared Grills are a great option for outdoor cooking enthusiasts who value performance, durability, and convenience.

Solaire Grills use infrared burner technology along with our unique v-shaped grates to make great-tasting food. Solaire grills are easy to use, long-lasting, and have easily moveable and replaceable parts & accessories, which all help make Solaire infrared grills the best hot grill. Our products are made in the USA.

#food #grill #cooking #grilling