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Millennials Hold Your Ears, This Will Hurt...By Toni Buchanan

Well  if androgyny is the goal then why are we still playing the women's card  and asking men to treat them differently and then call them out when  they don't? If equality is the goal and women should be allowed in the  tougher military positions then they will find that "sewer talk" is the  norm and everyone is called "sissy" by the Sargent. That toughens people  up and makes then ready to engage against an enemy. If you want  everyone to run around in dresses why don't you find a place where you  can start your androgyny culture commune instead of deciding you want to  change the world around you and make sure everyone else APPROVES and  changes with you? Never before has there been such a whiny generation.  When the rap singers quit using the words, b**tch, and hoes, glorify  killing whites or cops and the women singers quit dressing, or should I  say appearing under-dressed on stage and touching themselves when  children in our society are looking up to them and the major sports  players abuse their families and then are front and center on TV the  next week. When privately taped conversations are not publicly heard and  judged, then maybe we can all get along. But no, the generation that  has little to no morals and seems to think it can actually text and  drive at the same time,and want to earn $15 an hour because they don't  want to work harder to find a better job, they want the money to come to  them, not the other way around. Let's worry about morals while we  invite men who are apparently confused as to their identity into  restrooms with little girls. Let's worry about humans, but make sure a  woman can have a baby cut out of her stomach at 9 months of pregnancy  and have their brain pierced with a sharp object and killed even though  it is viable and alive. We should ask for more gun laws even though  Chicago has had 3000 shootings so far this year and that city has the  toughest gun laws in the US. We've heard whines that guns kill people  and kids, yet, no one tries to fix Chicago or the abortion industry.  Trump using locker room talk is much different than all the rapes Bill  Clinton did and got impeached for his tawdry behavior in the White  House, back then all the Democrats made light of the situation, Hillary  called all the women liars, and the men said that Bill was the first  Black president because he was cool, he was a dog that chased women and  he could play the sax. Hillary has despised anyone that hasn't put money  in her pocket. She calls Hispanics "taco bowls", people from OH and PA  "white trash", said Catholics need to give up their archaic beliefs,  takes money from countries that kill gays, women and dogs. Have sex with  goats and children 6 years old or so, boys and girls. She also said  half of the country was deplorable and racists. Black lives matter and  all the protesters at the Trump rallies that got paid by Hillary and  Soros to incite violence and 80% of the media are on Hillary's side. The  millennials want to give up our hard fought for land to ISIS or worse -  Socialism. If Socialism is so great, why do we have people risking  their lives to come here and get away from those countries? The  millennials have nothing to lose, they haven't paid into the system, but  they want to pull the rug out from all of us who have paid the price  and have skin in the game AND RAM ALL THEIR WHINY RULES AND GAMES DOWN  OUR THROATS - WE DON'T HAVE TO ACCEPT ANYTHING NEW YOU COME UP WITH. And  you don't have to like the world. You just have the obligation to add  the most positive things you can. It isn't your place to try to change  things, it is your job to help rebuild what has been broken. 
