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(last updated 2024-08-09/Close of previous day debt was $35123327978028.47 )

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The Summer Olympics Is Going Green ... WTF?!?!



The Summer Olympics Is Going Green ... WTF?!?!

The Summer Olympics is going 'GREEN'. So there won't be A/C units in the athletes rooms. It's SUMMER. It's HOT!!! So, the US and other 'wealthy' countries will be bringing portable A/C units. 

I wish we had some portable A/C units during the 80's at the track meets in that Oklahoma heat. We had to lay on the football field and hide from the sun under a blanket...because the sun drained you.

Anyway, the 'POOR' countries said they can't afford to provide portable A/C units. So, this GREEN NEW CRAP DEAL hurts the POOR and makes the rich RICHER. The POOR countries will be at a disadvantage during the OLYMPICS. A/C Apartide!!!

"Free South Africa!"

     ~Danny Glover, 'Lethal Weapon II'

"They F*** you at the drive through"

     ~'Leo Getz' - 'Lethal Weapon III'