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Process Of Homebrewing Microbrews


Process Of Homebrewing Microbrews

The normal batch of homebrewed beer is five gallons

in volume, which is enough for 2 cases, or 48 12

ounce bottle of beer.  

The typical homebrewed beer is produced by boiling

water, malt extract and hops together in a large 

kettle and then cooling the resulting wort and adding

yeast for fermenting. Experienced homebrewers will

make their own extract from crushed malt barley by

a more complicated process of mashing the grain in

boiling hot water.

With both cases, the wort is boiled for 15 min to

an hour, to help remove some impurities, dissolve

the character of the hops, then break down some of

the sugar. The wort is then cooled down to a 

pitching temperature.

The cooled wort is then poured into the primary

fermenter in a manner of aggression, as to aerate

the wort. Sufficient oxygen is also necessary for

the yeast's growth stage. The yeast is then put

into the wort.  

The primary fermentation will take place in a large

food bucket or carboy. Sometimes it is left open 

but often stoppered with the carbon dioxide gas

that's produced by venting through a fermentation


The process of making microbrews takes a lot of

time indeed, although you can take the necessary

short cuts once you learn more about how the

process works. If this is your first time brewing,

you should always use common sense and know what

you are doing.

One of the best things about making your own 

homebrews is the fact that you can experiment with

ingredients and brew your own creations. You can

brew almost anything, providing you have the right

type of equipment - which can easily be found.

#beer #homegrown #homebrewing