I was listening to the East Palestine Mayor speak on the train accident and the lack of response from the Biden Administration while the Biden Administration blamed Trump. They blamed 'deregulation' from the Trump Whitehouse. Even Joy Behar said those people got what they deserved because they supported Trump. THEY GAS LIT YOU [UP].
Look here, this is what REALLY went down. OBAMA wanted to stickitvto the oil industry. He ordered a new regulation in the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -NOT THE EPA - that required trains carrying HIGH FLAMMABLE LIQUID PRODUCTS (PETROLEUM/OIL) to have a new, and more expensive brake system that applied the brakes to all cars at the same time. The previous brake system uses applied the brakes to each car individually. The new regulation cost more than the previous system. Here is the deal. The train that crashed in East Palestine wasn't required to have that new brake system. It wasn't carrying HIGH FLAMMABLE LIQUID PRODUCTS. The Administration knows this. They lied to us. They GAS LIT the country...like they ALWAYS DO
Now, in regards to the regulation: Complaints started coming in to the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION that said the regulation was not cost effective. Those complaints came in during the Trump Administration. The DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION referred the complaints to CONGRESS, NOT THE WHITEHOUSE. CONGRESS told the Department of TRANSPORTATION to conduct a COST/ANALYSIS and give the data to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and have them write a report. Congress got the report and killed the regulation.
It had nothing to do with the EPA, TRUMP, or anyone in the Trump Whitehouse.
#gaslighting #eastpalestine