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California Wildfires Are A Result of Bad Liberal Policies


"In California, It’s Not About Climate Change – It’s About Bad Government Policy"


It's NOT About Climate Change ...



Unfortunately thousands of Homes and Businesses in California will be lost over the recent fires. The Environmentalists and LEFT Leaning Politicians will blame 'Climate Change' or 'Global Warming' [Global Woman -as Jesse Jackson uses to say]. It's not Climate Change. California has FOUR issues that keep giving them this problem, and they are all HUMAN ENGINEERED. The following will attempt to explain..

1. During Trump’s first term the Left blame fires on climate change. Trump wasn't buying it. He said "Rake The Leaves". It pissed them off, then they were mad. Trump says things that make you say 'WHAT'?, however, when you 'peel the onion' you realize he was right. This is the problem. ENVIRONMENTALISTS won't allow CAL FIRE to clear the underbrush that fuels the fires because they claim it will disrupt the habitat of a FROG that can fit in the palm of your hand-FULL GROWN. So, it's like Canada, a lot of undergrowth that allows fires to go crazy.

2. California has experienced droughts and fires for centuries. They happen. However, California gets most of its' fresh water supply from the snow that melts off of the mountains. Sadly, 90% of that fresh water runs into the Pacific Ocean because the ENVIRONMENTALISTS went to court and prevented building of facilities to catch the water. They said it would interrupt the habitat of the DELTA SMELT, a small fish the size of a minnow.

3. California builds subdivisions out of the cities in the middle of nowhere. That is fine. I grew up outside of a city [Out in the country], you have to know what to do when SHTF. So, they put 20,000 people in an area with one way in and one way how. So, when you gotta get the hell out of HELL you end up getting caught in traffic and having to abandon your car as we saw. Think it differently.

4. California has a large body of water next to it. It is called the Pacific Ocean. They should get smart like Israel. In Israel they have a Desalination process where in which they simply get water from the Mediterranean Sea [Or maybe the River of Jordan]. When I was at Desert Shield/Storm we pumped water from the ocean. We had ROPU units - Reverse Osmosis Purification Units.

This is NOT about Climate Change. DON'T GET GASLIT!!! This is about Human Error

#Gaslight #propaganda #fire #fires #CaliforniaFires #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming

The Power Structure At The LAFD Are All DEI Hires

The Power Structure at the LAFD are all DEI hires. I'm not saying it THEY DID. The Chief makes 440K/year. That is more than what the President makes. Their Fire Department orientation priority isn't focused on fighting fires or responding to emergencies. They focus on 'Cultural Acceptance.

"Megyn Kelly accuses LAFD Chief Kristin Crowley and LA Mayor Karen Bass of putting DEI ahead of fire prevention as Palisades wildfires rage"

#losangeles #fires #fire #California #LAFD


This Is Why California Doesn't Have WATER

#fires #wildfires #California

Wait Until They Try To Get The Permits To Rebuild

When they start applying for building permits in California, they may vote differently next time.

 How Harris/Biden Made New Homes More Expensive

I found this article. It basically explains Backdoor Fascism by people who call others 'Fascists'. [Guilt by Allegation]. They are also backdoor controlling what we can buy.

Fascism: You own it the Government tells you how to run it. They are telling businesses what to make all in the name of 'Climate Change'. They are making life more expensive by pay off their donors and skim off the top via campaign donation. AOC, the GREEN NEW QUEEN, has rounded up 42 Million Dollars. "Anyway" ....

How Harris/Biden Made New Homes More Expensive

From Casey B. Mulligan on X:

"I'll let others argue the effect of inflation on housing costs.  Here are 16 other ways that Biden-Harris made new houses more expensive, whether owned or rented.

They tightened regulations on:"

microwave ovens (88 FR 39912),

conventional ovens (89 FR 11434),

stovetops (89 FR 11434),

refrigerators (89 FR 3026),

freezers (89 FR 3026),

washing machines (89 FR 19026),

dish washers (89 FR 31398),

clothes dryers (89 FR 18164),

water heaters (89 FR 37778),

air conditioners (89 FR 44052),

ceiling fans (88 FR 40932)

furnaces (88 FR 87502),

boilers (88 FR 60152),

heat pumps (89 FR 44052),

lamps (89 FR 28856), and

light bulbs.

#economy #housing #inflation #homeprices #mortgage 

How Harris/Biden Made New Homes More Expensive

When they start applying for building permits in California, they may vote differently next time.

 How Harris/Biden Made New Homes More Expensive

I found this article. It basically explains Backdoor Fascism by people who call others 'Fascists'. [Guilt by Allegation]. They are also backdoor controlling what we can buy.

Fascism: You own it the Government tells you how to run it. They are telling businesses what to make all in the name of 'Climate Change'. They are making life more expensive by pay off their donors and skim off the top via campaign donation. AOC, the GREEN NEW QUEEN, has rounded up 42 Million Dollars. "Anyway" ....

How Harris/Biden Made New Homes More Expensive

From Casey B. Mulligan on X:

"I'll let others argue the effect of inflation on housing costs.  Here are 16 other ways that Biden-Harris made new houses more expensive, whether owned or rented.

They tightened regulations on:"

microwave ovens (88 FR 39912),

conventional ovens (89 FR 11434),

stovetops (89 FR 11434),

refrigerators (89 FR 3026),

freezers (89 FR 3026),

washing machines (89 FR 19026),

dish washers (89 FR 31398),

clothes dryers (89 FR 18164),

water heaters (89 FR 37778),

air conditioners (89 FR 44052),

ceiling fans (88 FR 40932)

furnaces (88 FR 87502),

boilers (88 FR 60152),

heat pumps (89 FR 44052),

lamps (89 FR 28856), and

light bulbs.

#economy #housing #inflation #homeprices #mortgage 

This Is Why California Doesn't Have WATER


This Is Why California Doesn't Have WATER

#fires #wildfires #California

The Power Structure At The LAFD Are All DEI Hires

The Power Structure At The LAFD Are All DEI Hires

The Power Structure at the LAFD are all DEI hires. I'm not saying it THEY DID. The Chief makes 440K/year. That is more than what the President makes. Their Fire Department orientation priority isn't focused on fighting fires or responding to emergencies. They focus on 'Cultural Acceptance.

"Megyn Kelly accuses LAFD Chief Kristin Crowley and LA Mayor Karen Bass of putting DEI ahead of fire prevention as Palisades wildfires rage"

#losangeles #fires #fire #California #LAFD

LA Already Shipped Firefighting Equipment To Ukraine, And Now Biden Is Planning Another Handout As California Burns

LA Already Shipped Firefighting Equipment To Ukraine, And Now Biden Is Planning Another Handout As California Burns


BLM and ANTIFA Hate Private Property Ownership



(Based On True Accounts)

Last Summer multiple fires were found to be started by environmental activists. Antifa and BLM are opposed to PRIVATE PROPERTY Ownership. They both made that clear diring the George Floyd riots of 2020. The Weather reports last week fueled the anticipation. Last Summer one guy even pushed a car over a cliff to start a fire. He was an Environmentalist come to find out. They prevent you from fire conservation, they blame for the situation, then they cause an issue, and then claim they can solve the problem. Sometimes RACE HUSTLING doesn't work so ya gotta find another complaint. WHAT DEMOCRATS DO!!!

#Fires #California #Antifa #BLM #BlackLivesMatter

PROJECT CIRRUS - They were Trying To Control The Weather

PROJECT CIRRUS - They were Trying To Control The Weather

They [CIA] say it ended in 1952.

"Project Cirrus was a research project that studied cloud particles and cloud modification, conducted by General Electric in collaboration with the Naval Research Laboratory and Army Signal Corps. The project began in 1947 and ended in 1952: 


The project's goals included researching cloud particles and cloud modification, as well as experimenting with hurricane seeding and wildfire fighting.


The project involved over 150 flights and ground operations, with the majority of flights taking place between 1948 and 1950. Air Force aircraft were used to "seed" clouds and fog with dry ice to observe the resulting changes.


The project ended in 1952 when Air Force pilots were called away to Korea, and the G.E. team felt they had reached the limits of their work."

Project Cirrus: The Story of Cloud Seeding. Reprinted from November 1952 GE Review

Ideal Fried Shrimp


Ideal Fried Shrimp 🦐🔥



1 lb jumbo shrimp, peeled and deveined

Fresh Produce:

3 large eggs


1/3 cup all-purpose flour

1/2 tsp ground black pepper

3/4 tsp salt


1 cup vegetable oil (for frying)


1 1/2 cups Kikkoman panko bread crumbs


Prep the Shrimp:

Pat shrimp dry with paper towels.

Season lightly with salt and pepper.

Set Up Breading Station:

Bowl 1: Add flour, salt, and black pepper. Mix well.

Bowl 2: Beat the eggs until smooth.

Bowl 3: Pour panko bread crumbs.

Bread the Shrimp:

Dredge each shrimp in the flour mixture, shaking off excess.

Dip into beaten eggs, coating evenly.

Press into panko bread crumbs, ensuring an even coating.

Heat the Oil:

In a large skillet, heat vegetable oil to 350°F (175°C) over medium-high heat.

Fry the Shrimp:

Fry shrimp in batches for 2-3 minutes per side until golden brown and crispy.

Drain on paper towels.

Serve Hot:

Pair with cocktail sauce, tartar sauce, or lemon wedges.

#FriedShrimp #CrispyDelicious #SeafoodLovers

Where is LA Mayor Karen Bass amid devastating wildfires?

Where is LA Mayor Karen Bass amid devastating wildfires?

#California #Fires #KarenBass #LosAngeles

Yoga for Women: Exercises

Yoga for Women: Exercises

#Yoga #Exercise #Women #Fitness

California Fires: It's NOT About Climate Change


"In California, It’s Not About Climate Change – It’s About Bad Government Policy"


It's NOT About Climate Change ...



Unfortunately thousands of Homes and Businesses in California will be lost over the recent fires. The Environmentalists and LEFT Leaning Politicians will blame 'Climate Change' or 'Global Warming' [Global Woman -as Jesse Jackson uses to say]. It's not Climate Change. California has FOUR issues that keep giving them this problem, and they are all HUMAN ENGINEERED. The following will attempt to explain..

1. During Trump’s first term the Left blame fires on climate change. Trump wasn't buying it. He said "Rake The Leaves". It pissed them off, then they were mad. Trump says things that make you say 'WHAT'?, however, when you 'peel the onion' you realize he was right. This is the problem. ENVIRONMENTALISTS won't allow CAL FIRE to clear the underbrush that fuels the fires because they claim it will disrupt the habitat of a FROG that can fit in the palm of your hand-FULL GROWN. So, it's like Canada, a lot of undergrowth that allows fires to go crazy.

2. California has experienced droughts and fires for centuries. They happen. However, California gets most of its' fresh water supply from the snow that melts off of the mountains. Sadly, 90% of that fresh water runs into the Pacific Ocean because the ENVIRONMENTALISTS went to court and prevented building of facilities to catch the water. They said it would interrupt the habitat of the DELTA SMELT, a small fish the size of a minnow.

3. California builds subdivisions out of the cities in the middle of nowhere. That is fine. I grew up outside of a city [Out in the country], you have to know what to do when SHTF. So, they put 20,000 people in an area with one way in and one way how. So, when you gotta get the hell out of HELL you end up getting caught in traffic and having to abandon your car as we saw. Think it differently.

4. California has a large body of water next to it. It is called the Pacific Ocean. They should get smart like Israel. In Israel they have a Desalination process where in which they simply get water from the Mediterranean Sea [Or maybe the River of Jordan]. When I was at Desert Shield/Storm we pumped water from the ocean. We had ROPU units - Reverse Osmosis Purification Units.

This is NOT about Climate Change. DON'T GET GASLIT!!! This is about Human Error

#Gaslight #propaganda #fire #fires #CaliforniaFires #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming





ALCOHOL ABUSE/ALCOHOLISM  -  Mason Media                                                                                                                     
     Between beginners, casual drinkers, and social drinkers, alcohol abuse and alcoholism may be hard to define as well as diagnose, admit to and treat.  Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are interconnected to too many factors to really define and clearly treat.  The only thing universally decided on is that alcoholism and alcohol abuse tend to make mental illness worse.
     Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are two different forms of abuse [problem drinking].  Alcohol abuse is defined as: When drinking leads to problems, but not physical addiction (  Those that abuse alcohol may present the same signs and symptoms of an alcoholic but they do not have the same withdrawal effects like that of an alcoholic.  Also the desire and compulsion to drink is somewhat less than that of an alcoholic.  Alcohol abuse can affect a person emotionally, physically, socially, and psychologically ( 
     Alcoholism is defined as:  When a person exhibits signs of physical addiction to alcohol and continues to drink, despite problems with physical health, mental health, and social, family, or job responsibilities.  Alcohol controls a person’s life and relationships (  Alcoholism for the most part is still not understood.  It is a broad term used to describe a compulsive and uncontrolled use of alcohol.  It is usually to the detriment of the drinker’s health.  Misuse of alcohol has the ability to damage every organ in the human body as well as the brain.  Some believe alcoholism is a choice.  Therefore, it is not treated as a medical condition but specifically a psychological issue negating its treatment as a disease.  Alcohol use and abuse involves multiple issues and causes that still to this day are not understood.  Due to differences of opinion on whether alcoholism is a disease or                                                                                                                                         choice, prescribed treatment procedures vary.  Regardless if the diagnosis involves physical or psychological factors, treatment decisions may vary.  If the problem is linked to underlying issues, those issues need to be treated as well.  If the underlying problems are not treated the alcohol issues will continue and the treatment will be a failure.
     The estimated cost of alcohol abuse to the American economy in 2005 was 220 billion dollars, that was more than cancer and obesity combined.  Alcoholism does not seem to discriminate.  On the other hand, Caucasians have a high abstinence rate, but a much higher tolerance rate.  Studies also show that the more other races assimilate with Caucasians the higher rate of alcohol consumption (
     An alcoholic is a person, regardless of sex, age, or race who suffers from alcoholism.  They have a desire to consume alcohol and cannot control the desire in regards to limits, rules, or amount.  The word ‘alcoholic’ refers to the person, while ‘alcoholism’ is the [chronic] illness.  This leads to an obsession with alcohol in which the person cannot control the urge to drink even if it effects work, home, or finances ( 
     For the sake of argument, alcohol abuse and alcoholism are the same and defined by the same signs and symptoms.  The only difference is degree or intensity.  The first symptom is denial.  The drinker is usually the last person to admit the problem.  The following are more of the signs:
·         Drinking alone
·         Drinking in secret                                                                                                                                                     
·         Not being able to limit how much alcohol consumed
·         Blacking out-not being able to remember chunks of time
·         Feeling an urge to drink
·         Having rituals and being irritated or annoyed when those rituals are disrupted or commented on.  This could be drinks before, during, or after meals, work, school, etc.
·         Dropping hobbies and activities the person used to enjoy; losing interest in them
·         Feeling irritable when drinking times approach.  This feeling is more intense if the alcohol is not available, or there appears to be a chance it may not be available.
·         Having stashes of alcohol in unlikely places
·         Gulping drinks down in order to get drunk and then feel good
·         Having relationship problems (triggered by drinking)
·         Having money problems (caused by drinking)
·         Requiring a larger quantity of alcohol to feel its effect
·         Nausea, sweating, or even shaking when not drinking
     Alcohol addiction, or dependence, is a process that takes place gradually from a period of years to decades.  Also, in some cases, those prone to addiction the process may only take several months.  Over time, alcohol consumption changes the levels of chemicals in the brain essential to how we feel.  One chemical in particular is GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) which controls impulsiveness.  The following are risk factors linked to excessive drinking:
ALCOHOL ABUSE/ALCOHOLISM                                                                                                                               
·         Genes-Alcoholics are six times more likely to have a blood relative who drinks
·         Age of 1st Drink-Drinking before age 15 can lead to problems later in life
·         Smoking-Non daily smokers have a harder time controlling alcohol consumption than daily smokers.
·         Easy access-Alcohol is sold at a variety of places and at cheap prices
·         Stress-Those suffering from anxiety may drink to block out the upheaval in their lives
·         Peer Drinking-Many are pressured to drink by the crowd they hang out with
·         Low Self Esteem-If alcohol is readily available, those suffering from low self-esteem will abuse it
·         Depression-Self treat; may have reverse effect and make problems worse
·         Media and Advertising-Media depicts excessive drinking as acceptable
     In the US a person must meet certain criteria explained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).  The patient should experience at least three of the following to be diagnosed:
·         Alcohol tolerance is high in the beginning but decreases with liver damage
·         Withdrawal symptoms
·         Unsuccessful attempts to cut down
·         Time wasted drinking and recovering
·         Withdrawing from normal activity
·         Persistent drinking even when they realize the damage
     Patients may go to the doctor for other issues associated with alcohol abuse but fail to mention alcohol consumption to their doctor, not realizing alcohol abuse is causing the issue.  There are tests a doctor can perform  to screen for alcohol abuse.  Blood tests can only reveal recent alcohol consumption.  If the red blood cells have increased in size it can indicate long term use.  Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin blood test can detect heavy consumption.  According to the web site the best test is a questionnaire ( 
     Alcohol elevates a person’s mood causing him or her to feel upbeat and happy.  After a while the alcohol acts as a depressant to the nervous system, and this causes the person to ‘crash’ or feel sedated.  Heavy binge drinking can cause a person to pass out, black out, or go into a coma.  Heavy regular drinking can cause the following conditions:
·         Fatigue-Always tired
·         Memory loss-Short term memory
·         Eye muscles weaken
·         Liver disease-Cirrhosis of the liver
·         Gastrointestinal Issues-Problems with digestion
·         Hypertension-Increased blood pressure
·         Heart Problems-Heart failure, stroke, cardiomyopathy
·         Diabetes-Type II Diabetes, Hypoglycemia
·         Menstruation Disrupted
·         Erectile Dysfunction
·         Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
·         Thinning Bones-Slows production of new bone material
·         Nervous System Problems-Dementia
·         Cancer
·         Accidents-Falls, auto, etc.
·         Domestic Abuse
·         Work/School Problems
·         Suicide
·         Mental Illness
·         Problems With The Law
The first step of treatment (any treatment) is for the patient to admit there is a problem.  Studies have shown that patients with stable psychological lives are less likely to seek treatment.  Studies also show that patients who smoke have a harder time with recovery.  Specific treatment options are as follows:
·         Do-It-Yourself
·         Counseling
·         Treat Underlying Problems
·         Live-In Residential Programs (Sober Living, Rehab)
·         Drugs that provoke a severe reaction (Antabuse/Disulfiren)
·         Drugs to fight craving and urges
·         Hormone Treatment
·         Detoxification
·         Abstinence
     Abstinence and sobriety are lifestyles.  They tend to pick up where treatment ends.  Recovering alcoholics are urged to stay away from people and places that provide temptation and access to alcohol.  Activities that promote well-being are always good alternatives (The Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Complete Home Medical Guide, 1985).  A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous) allows men and women who have the desire to stop drinking to meet daily and be open about their problems or issues with alcohol and receive support from others in the same situation as well as those that have been sober for years without fees or dues.  This is done using the acclaimed 12 Step Program (
     Some polls show as much as 90% of the public believes alcoholism is a disease.  Other polls show more than 10% of the public feel it is a choice.  The fact that polls are even talked about means that the jury is still out on whether or not alcoholism is a disease or a choice.  Treatment of alcoholism is a multi-billion dollar industry paid for mainly by the insurance companies.
In order for insurance companies to pay alcoholism must be a disease or disorder.  This also fuels the public desire to classify abnormal human behavior as a disease, therefore not having to take responsibility for making, the choice of taking the first drink ( 
1.      The Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Complete Home Medical Guide, 1985