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How Harris/Biden Made New Homes More Expensive

When they start applying for building permits in California, they may vote differently next time.

 How Harris/Biden Made New Homes More Expensive

I found this article. It basically explains Backdoor Fascism by people who call others 'Fascists'. [Guilt by Allegation]. They are also backdoor controlling what we can buy.

Fascism: You own it the Government tells you how to run it. They are telling businesses what to make all in the name of 'Climate Change'. They are making life more expensive by pay off their donors and skim off the top via campaign donation. AOC, the GREEN NEW QUEEN, has rounded up 42 Million Dollars. "Anyway" ....

How Harris/Biden Made New Homes More Expensive

From Casey B. Mulligan on X:

"I'll let others argue the effect of inflation on housing costs.  Here are 16 other ways that Biden-Harris made new houses more expensive, whether owned or rented.

They tightened regulations on:"

microwave ovens (88 FR 39912),

conventional ovens (89 FR 11434),

stovetops (89 FR 11434),

refrigerators (89 FR 3026),

freezers (89 FR 3026),

washing machines (89 FR 19026),

dish washers (89 FR 31398),

clothes dryers (89 FR 18164),

water heaters (89 FR 37778),

air conditioners (89 FR 44052),

ceiling fans (88 FR 40932)

furnaces (88 FR 87502),

boilers (88 FR 60152),

heat pumps (89 FR 44052),

lamps (89 FR 28856), and

light bulbs.

#economy #housing #inflation #homeprices #mortgage