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Thursday, January 9, 2025





Biden was about to leave the Country to go to Italy until the Fires happened. Pelosi broke her hip in Europe, probably drinking MERLOT, when the CEO got shot...AFTER MAKING MONEY IN A STOCK TRADE recently on a 1.4 Million Dollar CALL OPTION on UNITED HEALTHCARE. Hmmm ... Karen 'Buzzcut' Bass was in Africa when she knew and after she issued a State of Emergency BEFORE she left for Africa. Biden just gave Ukraine 500 Million. If the fires had have hit just hours later he would have been OUTTA Town while he gave California relief and money to Ukraine.

I'm just connecting dots, like they taught us at Washington Elementary in Bristow.

I am curious to see who swoops in and buys up property like they did in Hawaii. Because, the LEFT hates private property ownership unless THEY own it. Strange how insurance companies decided to recently cancel Fire insurance in the recent months. Also, when they announced the wind forecasts last week, the terrorists, China, Iran, and Russia, etc. saw it too. So since Biden has let 12 Million Unknowns into the country I am sure some of those fires were nefarious...and to many Democrats are throwing up their hands and crying CLIMATE CHANGE. NO.

Why else do our leaders wanna GET OUTTA TOWN when SHTF? No one over 'THERE' can vote 'HERE' ... or does the 'MONEY' they get vote?

Karen Bass is called 'Buzzcut' because when she was the California Assembly Speaker and in the California Senate she sported a BUZZ CUT. She termed out in both Assembly and Senate. And the only word she knew was "REVENEW". She turned every stone to tax the people to feed the Government beast. Then she went to Congress for 12 or so years, got bumped by Kamala, and decided to run for Mayor of LA. California voters are politically illiterate.

Check this out. Kamala Harris, as CA AG, wrote Prop 47 that allowed $950 in smash and grab robberies. It got so bad California votes in Prop 36 while she was trying to be President and bring California to the country. They rejected her crime policy. Now, she is the front runner to be the next Governor of California. They treat it like a popularity contest. Democrats don't LOVE you. They just SAY they do. Republicans don't love you either. They just don't HATE THE COUNTRY!!!

#Democrats #Fires #Fire #WildFires #Voters #California #LosAngeles