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Saudi Arabia Sucks!


After Desert Shield became Desert Storm, we moved from central Saudi Arabia to Northern Saudi Arabia...about 30 miles out of Iraq. We had soldiers from other units integrated with us. We were field service, they were transportation - Truck Drivers. So one evening after THE LOCAL PRAYER TIME was over the stores would open back up in a nearby town, several of us went there to browse the jewelry stores, and other local shops. We obviously were in full gear. However, I was standing there at a jewelry counter checking it all out and I look around and there are all these Saudi women in black fitting burka and faces covered. All you could see were their eyes. It was perfect eye makeup! Glitter and everything. I felt like it was a trap. I didn't say anything to any of them. They were acting I wasn't even there. There were no men with them. Some were holding babies. They were all seamingly attractive women. Then later a Black Mercedes pulls up next to the 2 1/2 ton truck we arrived in. It was the middle of the desert and this Mercedes was spotless. 3 Men stepped out. One of them appeared to be the RICH guy. He was wearing a solid white traditional outfit with the headgear and everything. He spoke perfect English. He started a conversation with an E4 Female. She was an enlisted soldier in a Transportation unit. Short, young Black Female. I was the senior person of the group. He said everything he could to get her to go with him to his home. He promised her EVERYTHING!!! I calmly had to explain to this MAN that I cannot allow any of my people simply go home with you. It took so much control to not beat his ass. He even offered to BREAK ME OFF with $$$. What would I have looked like back at the base and explaining I allowed a Saudi to take one of the soldiers I was in charge of to take to his house?

I was ready to take my soldiers and GO HOME!!! CAN YOU IMAGINE BEING ASKED THAT...OVER THERE?!?! These people are SETTING US UP!!!

Trump got us out of this dependence on OPEC and the middle East. Now, thanks to Biden, these same people have us by the BALLS...And they're swinging them.

#SaudiArabia #DesertStorm