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(last updated 2024-08-09/Close of previous day debt was $35123327978028.47 )

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Obama's Political Infrastructure Is In Charge


Obama's Political Infrastructure Is In Charge

Ya know, looking back,Obama had bad policy. America had had so much that we elected a Real Estate Hustler. He brought peace to the Middle East. The current Administration has Obama's infrastructure,  and look what we got. 

Ya know, looking back,Obama had bad policy. America had had so much that we elected a Real Estate Hustler. He brought peace to the Middle East. The current Administration has Obama's infrastructure,  and look what we got. Look at the world today. Look at the crime on the streets. Look at how much money they've taking out of the private sector. And half the country wants to do it all over again.

The only thing I hear Harris talking about is DEFUND COPS and ABORTION.

In the past week we have seen the GANGSTA PARTY commit a COUP on their own President  and a known enemy organization took down our nation's flag and put up their ENEMY FLAG at UNION STATION in our Nation's Capital. All they want to do is get power, money, and Trump. ..Oh, and everything is January 6th.

#Obama #KamalaHarris #Biden