1) Before the modern israel state, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state.
2) Before the British mandate
The Ottoman Empire existed, not the Palestinian state.
3) Before the Ottoman Empire, there was a fully Islamic state of Egypt, not the Palestinian state.
4) Before the Islamic State of Egypt, the Empire of Ayubid existed, not the Palestinian state. Gofri IV of Bolansky, known as Godfrey de Bullion, conquered Jerusalem in 1099.
5) Before the Empire of Ayubid there was the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not the Palestinian state.
6) Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem there were Umayad and Fatimid empires, not the Palestinian state.
7) Before the empires of the Umaid and Fatimid, there was the Byzantine Empire, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not the Palestinian state.
9) Before the Roman Empire, the Hasmone state existed, not the Palestinian state.
10) Before the state of Hashmansk, it was a Selbakid state, not the Palestinian state.
11) Before the Slavic Empire, the empire of Alexander Macedonia existed, not the Palestinian state.
12) Before the empire of Alexander of Macedonia, the Persian Empire existed, not the Palestinian state.
13) Before the Persian Empire, the Babylonian Empire existed, not the Palestinian state.
14) Before the Empire of Babylon there were kingdoms of Israel and Judea was not the Palestinian state.
15) Before the kingdoms of israel and Judah was the kingdom of israel , not the state of Palestine.
16) Before the Kingdom of israel there was a theocracy of twelve tribalism of israel , not of the Palestinian state.
17) Before the the theocracy of twelve generations of israel , there was an agglomeration of independent Canaan cities, not the Palestinian state.
In fact, in this corner of the earth there was everything except the Palestinian state.
#Israel #Hamas # Gaza #MiddleEast