'No New Wars' Is Back!
I hate to beat a dead horse, but damn ... and I voted for him TWICE. Looking back and examining history make you hate your decisions sometimes...RIGHT???
Barrack Obama is almost worth a BILLION. They say it is from Netflix and Book Deals. Look, there aren't enough LIBERALS alive to read that much nor have the attention span to watch that many Netflix Documentaries. He left the Whitehouse 30 times richer than he entered. So, let's water this mess down. They say he was working those deals out while in in office. WOW, Trump had to sign away everything to his kids.
Obama entered office while the country was fighting in 2 (TWO) Countries: Iraq and Afghanistan. When he left we were fighting in 7 Countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia, Somalia, Yemen, and Pakistan. 85% of those killed were innocent civilians ... such as Women, Children, Goat Herders, etc. Most were drone strikes signed off by OBAMA. 'INTERCEPT MAGAZINE THE DRONE WARS' will explain it. The Military Industrial Complex is a 1 Trillion Dollar a year industry. If you authorize/let/allow it to happen you apparently get paid.
Trump advocated and still advocates to STOP ENDLESS WARS!!!
#Trump #War #Obama #Politics