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God Uses Broken Men

God often uses flawed individuals, like King David, to carry out His will to demonstrate His grace, mercy, and the power of transformation. In the Bible, King David is a prime example of this. Though David was a man after God's own heart (1 Samuel 13:14), he was also deeply flawed, having committed sins like adultery with Bathsheba and arranging the death of her husband, Uriah (2 Samuel 11).

God's use of David shows that perfection is not a prerequisite for being part of God's plan. Instead, He looks for a repentant heart and a willingness to turn back to Him. After David's sins, he sought forgiveness in true repentance (Psalm 51). This humility and dependence on God's mercy are essential aspects of how God works through flawed individuals.

By using imperfect people, God also makes it clear that the success of His plans is based on His power, not human strength. David’s reign, despite his shortcomings, led to the establishment of Israel’s greatest dynasty, from which the Messiah, Jesus, would eventually come. God's ability to use broken vessels like David reminds us that His grace is greater than our flaws and that He can redeem even the most broken situations for His purposes.

God Uses Broken Men

If you hate mean Tweets and 'Orange Man Bad', remember, God has used not so great people to accomplish his will. I just heard a reminder about KING DAVID. He was a lousy Dad and an adulterer ... as the Bible has it. However, God loved him and used him. Donald Trump isn't King David, but, there is a reason half of the country, if not more, including Christians, are voting for him.

As of now he is the only person who has the guts to step up and step out to STOP THE SPREAD OF COMMUNISM and the push for CHILD Mutilation. BTW, We're also on the verge of WWII.


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