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General Wesley Clark "We're Going To Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years"


General Wesley Clark "We're Goung To Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years"...

80% of Harris/Biden/Obama Administration are OBAMA holdovers. This is the third term. However, they're doing the Bush playbook ... probably why the Cheneys are backing Harris.

Looking back, when Clinton was in office, the BUSH crew were sitting around and planning the takeover of 7 countries. Retired General Wesley Clark made a speech about that. Afghanistan was justified, but the other 6 were a mystery. Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lybia, Pakistan, Somalia. Why Iran was left out, after being a pain in the ass of the US since the Carter Administration, is another mystery. "Anyway", Bush 43 took care of the first two. Obama followed up with the play-a-long to get-a-long (Not Get Shot At). He entered office fighting in what Bush started and followed carrying out the other 5 General Clark talked about.

Fast forward to now, the Democrats had to impeach a guy who wanted to prevent the BS happening now. As of now, Biden has made money in Ukraine, the Sister of the Illinois Governor is now put in charge of rebuilding Ukraine, the CLINTON foundation is gonna make some money in Ukraine, and the Military Industrial Complex is making a 'Killing' in Ukraine. BTW, Obama is worth close to a Billion now. You can't have that much money just selling books, Netflix accounts, and speaking. 

Ukraine is the most corrupt spot on the planet, but for some reason a lot of Democrats seem to get their cut.

BTW, that Rolls Royce dealership in Ukraine is still open!

#WesleyClark #Obama #Iran #Bush #GeorgeBush #Iraq #MiddleEast