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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

What Is Terrorism?



Altaf Shaikh

What is Terrorism?

Terrorism by definition is the use of violence, or the threat of violence, to create a climate of fear in a given population. Terrorist violence targets ethnic or religious groups, governments, and political parties, corporations, and media enterprises. Groups that practice functions of fear are almost always small in size and restricted in sources as opposed to communities and organizations they oppose.

Terrorism by definition is the use of violence, or the threat of violence, to create a climate of fear in a given population. Terrorist violence targets ethnic or religious groups, governments, and political parties, corporations, and media enterprises. Groups that practice functions of fear are almost always small in size and restricted in sources as opposed to communities and organizations they oppose. Through promotional and worry produced by their assault, they try to increase their impact and power to impact governmental modify on either a local or a worldwide scale. There are ways of prevention against these heinous attacks; however our civil liberties would have to be inconvenienced. Since the attack at the airport, I think the airports should operate in a stricter manner. When I went on holidays, the airports were mobbed with men carrying firearms, along with a dog, ready to detect any harmful substances. It was also a thorough process to load the luggage on the specific flight, and at any moment, someone might ask you to open your bag for a quick search. I think there also should be a nationwide database, provided in all airports, which allows one to type in another’s name and find their personal information out. If one is truly innocent, then infringing on their privacy should not be a big offense. 
Our borders need to be more strictly regulated. We need to control immigration, to help hinder terrorism. We also need to stop being so politically correct, and “get in bed” with nasty characters. The informers that we need to use are from the wastes of society. We need to get these questionable people back on the payroll. Lastly, we need to think as our enemies do. There needs to be severe consequences on the adversary to make aware that we are a strong nation, who will not allow another to interfere in the general well-being of Indians. We need to involve them emotionally as they do to us. Don’t treat them as guests.
The latest terrorist acts, that our nation is experiencing, are frightening. I have learned and studied about the numerous terrorist attacks that our country has faced in the past, but I never imagined that another day would come where terrorism would become reality to me. Prevention can be attained, but it will be a long, challenging process. As Indians, we have to learn that our civil liberties must be stricter in order to secure our safety for the future.
If a terrorist can threaten us by shutting down electronically dependent devices which we need to survive. They will not assassinate or bomb as much because the public will have a better understanding of how to prevent it. Terrorism in the past years has been politically motivatedHealth Fitness Articles, in the future; it will be religiously motivated. This might cause a major problem in the future because each year more and more people create or advance a religion to suit their liking. They now will have a sense of what is supposed to be right and will do anything to get that across. Terrorism will never end; it is up to the human race to be better educated in the subject and to make the right decision.

Source: Free Articles from


I work at I am good in writing, So I developed writing as my hobby and started writing on amazing things like Terrorism and Current Affairs

#terrorism #terrorists #Hezbollah #Hamas