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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Remember When You Were 5 years Old and You Got The COLD FRIES? KAMALA HARRIS MADE THEM!!!


Remember when you were 5 years old and you got the COLD FRIES? KAMALA HARRIS MADE THEM!!!


"Consider further Kamala Harris’s claim to have worked at McDonalds while in school, in Alameda County, California, in the summer of 1983. She has said in that she made fries. In two books, she never mentioned it. Her resumes include no mention of it. McDonalds corporate will not confirm it. No co-worker, manager, or boss has come forward to say it is true. No biography has mentioned this before.

Did she, like me, have to obtain a food handler’s license? In some places, McDonalds own training, which is extensive, suffices but she has shared no memory of such training, nor of coworkers, nor of customers, menus, hours, or anything else.

Having worked in fast food myself, I recall how much I revered the fry cooks for their skill and the danger they encountered daily. I was a busboy and dishwasher and never advanced to the position of fry cook. I sat back and watched them with amazement from the distance of the back sinks that were my own domain. How is it that she just waltzed in and got the job?

There is also the very distinct possibility that the whole thing is entirely made up. And that is my own bet. Truth is that these jobs change one forever. They shape you. People who hold them love talking about the details, experiences, and the thrill of being paid. She has had nothing to say about any of this. Not one reporter has confronted her for details.

To have made up such a story is not a small matter. It is egregious, akin to having claimed to have won the Nobel Prize or having been a Navy Seal…or serving in Afghanistan when it is not true. It is faux-biography that exhibits disdain for the working classes, based on the belief that the job is so irrelevant and meaningless that you can just tack it on to a stump speech with no consequence because surely no one can check on this and why would anyone bother?

These jobs shape us. They are real. They keep the world fed and running. They are dignified jobs and the people who do them are worthy of appreciation and celebration. Their experiences should not be appropriated for political resume padding."