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(last updated 2024-08-09/Close of previous day debt was $35123327978028.47 )

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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Impeachment of 45



#45 got impeached for asking about shady BIDEN money-making schemes in Ukraine. Since then #46 got installed and now millions and billions are being sent to Ukraine. Now #46 is going after #45 using the Justice Department and the New York, Soros-supported DA. Now he is going to be in court in NY during the 2024 campaign over a check to a porn star and Biden has a bank full of money from China. Do you wonder why they are pissed?

Black Folks, White Folks, Asian Folks, Native American Folks, and everyone else...

All these 'agencies' going after Trump doesn't give a F*** about YOU. THAT'S WHY THEY GO AFTER HIM. STOP BEING A DUM DUM!!! Why would so many GOVERNMENT agencies go after ONE GUY? It took them 10 years to ALLEGEDLY find Osama Bin Laden. He was a 6'5 Arab man with 3 wives. How hard is that to find? They could find your cousin in Compton in 10 days.

#Trump #impeachment