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Real Time US National Debt Clock | USA Debt

United States National Debt  
United States National Debt Per Person  
United States National Debt Per Household  
Total US Unfunded Liabilities  
Social Security Unfunded Liability  
Medicare Unfunded Liability  
Prescription Drug Unfunded Liability  
National Healthcare Unfunded Liability  
Total US Unfunded Liabilities Per Person  
Total US Unfunded Liabilities Per Household  
United States Population  
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Copyright 1987-2024

(last updated 2024-08-09/Close of previous day debt was $35123327978028.47 )

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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Why Hillary?

I just want to know ONE thing.  If you are voting for Hillary or any other Democrat, why do you find yourself needing more Government in your life?  Why would you risk more war?  Why would you support killing a baby in the 9th month?  Why do you support an open border?  Why do you support those who have broken Federal immigration law to not be punished?  Why do you feel the need to disarm the public?  Why do you want to pay more taxes so others can have what you PAY for?  Why do you support grown ass men peeing next to women and little girls?  Who are you going to call when in need of help, Ghostbusters, since you hate the PO-LICE? WHY???  #Clinton #Hillary #HillaryClinton