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(last updated 2024-08-09/Close of previous day debt was $35123327978028.47 )

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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Democrats And Their Relationships with Chinese Spies


Both Biden and Harris have no issues with China. Goes to show Democrats have been in bed with China for decades. Diane Feinstein's driver for 20 years ended up  being a Chinese spy. Congressman Swalwell had an affair with a Woman named Feng who ended up being a spy. Hunter Biden's former secretary attended a University in China that is the recruiting spot for the Chinese Intelligence/Spy agency, worked for the Spy agency, THEN became Hunter's secretary. Yes, she ended up being a Spy. The Governor of Michigan just designated 715 million dollars for a Chinese company to build a EV battery production facility in her state.

May as well call it the Democratic Communist Party.

#China #democrats #ccp #chinesecommunistparty