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Real Time US National Debt Clock | USA Debt

United States National Debt  
United States National Debt Per Person  
United States National Debt Per Household  
Total US Unfunded Liabilities  
Social Security Unfunded Liability  
Medicare Unfunded Liability  
Prescription Drug Unfunded Liability  
National Healthcare Unfunded Liability  
Total US Unfunded Liabilities Per Person  
Total US Unfunded Liabilities Per Household  
United States Population  
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Copyright 1987-2024

(last updated 2024-08-09/Close of previous day debt was $35123327978028.47 )

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Thursday, August 1, 2024




During the late 70's and early 80's the California Drywall industry was dominated by Black Men. Then tens of thousands of ILLEGALS showed up, mainly from countries just south of the border. The average wage was $16/Hr. Then when the ILLEGALS came in the wages dropped to $8/Hr to $10/Hr. Black Men simply said "I can't work for that."

Yeah, 'BLACK JOBS' ...

TRUMP/VANCE 2024!!! 

 #Trump #blackjobs