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(last updated 2024-08-09/Close of previous day debt was $35123327978028.47 )

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Why are we trusting the FBI with ANYTHING?


Why are we trusting the FBI with ANYTHING? In 2016 they knew the Steele Dossier was bogus BEFORE the 2016 election and let the country go through 3 years of BullJIVE. And the DOJ spent 32 Million on a Russia Russia Russia bogus report. Then, they had the HB Laptop during the FIRST Impeachment. If they had did the right thing the 2nd Impeachment wouldn't have happened because LESS DUMBASSES (17%) would NOT have voted for Biden. And now they're investigating Trump getting shot. You know, the guy they have been F***ING with since 2015.

Oh, and the new USSS Director is basically saying the AGENCY failed, but no one is really responsible. WTF?!?!

"We are in a world of S***!" ~ 'Full Metal Jacket', 1987.

#FBI #USSS #SecretService #Government