What is Crime?
In simple words an act or behavior that violates or breaches the rule of political, moral or criminal laws and is liable for punishment and public prosecution.
What are the basic reasons which make a people criminal?
The answer lies in following points like:
Increasing rate of Unemployment is the major problem of increasing crime rate. Consider a situation when the qualified young graduate is remains unemployed for longer period after he completed his education. His family has lot of expectations from him and to satisfy their expectations he can go up to any extent and cross any limit just in desire of small payment. At this stage he is not in a position to make a correct decision between what is just and what is unjust but he don’t want to miss any of the opportunity that life is giving him and in this feeling only he accepts those offers which can change his life and can break their social and moral ethics and they are ready to commit crimes, they are ready to kill a person, they are ready to accept any offer that can prove to be a money earning source for them. And this major unemployed segment of society is the main source for crime. No criminal is by birth a criminal but it is the circumstances which make him do so. But this problem is mainly associated with the developing countries. So what about developed countries? Do they not commit crimes? No they also commit crimes. Even the crime rate is higher in highly developed country like USA than other developed countries of the world.
High ambitions are also the one source for crime. A person who has high ambitions like if he wants to enjoy all the comforts of life or wants to achieve the high status in his life he wanted to complete them at any cost may achieve unfair means to fulfill his wish. To make his wishes come true or to enjoy the luxuries of life he can come in the way of crime as this seems to be an easy money earning source for them and when they do crime for the first time then professional criminals tae advantage of it compel them to commit such acts again and again and now if they want to come back they can not be their way back to path of justice and honesty.
Technology Advancements are also one of the reasons for increasing of crime rate. This is because technology advancements have broadened the mind of people and they now can think better ways of committing crimes. Like most of the young person want to own and make use of highly sophisticated arms. And if they are not made available to them, they think for different ways and professional criminal’s takes advantage of this. Technology advancements have now made the way of criminals easier than before.
Do the allow of guns to people for carry and own will reduce the rate of crime or increase the rate of crime. A study conducted by scholar presents the fact that if people are allowed to carry guns then it will reduce the rate of crime.