Maxine Waters represents Watts. She doesn't even live there. It's one of the most impoverished districts in Cali. That's where Reginald Oliver Denny got beat during the Rodney King riots. She has been in Congress over 20 years. Her husband owns a bank. She chaired the House Banking and Financial Committee during COVID and her husband's bank received COVID money. She is rich. She also promoted to harass members of the Trump Cabinet in public and promoted riots. This is all documented fact. Why isn't she being checked out?
Nancy Pelosi, she got rich in a lifetime of government. Joe Biden has gotten rich and made millions in a lifetime of government. The Clintons have gotten rich off government. Obama left the Whitehouse over 10 times richer than entering it. The now live at Martha's Vinyard.
Trump, based on the chased tax returns, was worth less when he left the Whitehouse than when he entered.
Why aren't their books being looked at?
#politics #maxinewaters #congress