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(last updated 2024-08-09/Close of previous day debt was $35123327978028.47 )

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This is how F***ed up the country is right now. There are people in solitary confinement for January 6th that never entered the building. There are people in jail for questioning the 2020 election that was definitely stolen. Yesterday (Wednesday, July 24th) anti Israel protesters were allowed/able to take down the US Flag at the Capitol Building and put up the so called Palestinian flag. Only 23 people were arrested. I am sure they will be out BEFORE the January 6th attendees. Oh, not to mention the 'Death To America' and 'Death To Israel' chants. They even brought maggots and crickets to the Watergate Hotel where the Israel Delegation was staying, and they repeatedly set off the fire alarms.

"We are in a world of S***!"

     'Full Metal Jacket' 1987

#protest #insurrection